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C# Tip: Improve memory allocation by initializing collection size

2023-09-26 4 min read CSharp Tips

Sometimes just a minor change can affect performance. Here’s a simple trick: initialize your collections by specifying the initial size!

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When you initialize a collection, like a List, you create it with the default size.

Whenever you add an item to a collection, .NET checks that there is enough capacity to hold the new item. If not, it resizes the collection by doubling the inner capacity.

Resizing the collection takes time and memory.

Therefore, when possible, you should initialize the collection with the expected number of items it will contain.

Initialize a List

In the case of a List, you can simply replace new List<T>() with new List<T>(size). By specifying the initial size in the constructor’s parameters, you’ll have a good performance improvement.

Let’s create a benchmark using BenchmarkDotNet and .NET 8.0.100-rc.1.23455.8 (at the time of writing, .NET 8 is still in preview. However, we can get an idea of the average performance).

The benchmark is pretty simple:

public class CollectionWithSizeInitializationBenchmarks
    [Params(100, 1000, 10000, 100000)]
    public int Size;

    public void WithoutInitialization()
        List<int> list = new List<int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)


    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public void WithInitialization()
        List<int> list = new List<int>(Size);

        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)

The only difference is in the list initialization: in the WithInitialization, we have List<int> list = new List<int>(Size);.

Have a look at the benchmark result, split by time and memory execution.

Starting with the execution time, we can see that without list initialization, we have an average 1.7x performance degradation.

Method Size Mean Ratio
WithoutInitialization 100 299.659 ns 1.77
WithInitialization 100 169.121 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 1000 1,549.343 ns 1.58
WithInitialization 1000 944.862 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 10000 16,307.082 ns 1.80
WithInitialization 10000 9,035.945 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 100000 388,089.153 ns 1.73
WithInitialization 100000 227,040.318 ns 1.00

If we talk about memory allocation, we waste an overage of 2.5x memory if compared to collections with size initialized.

Method Size Allocated Alloc Ratio
WithoutInitialization 100 1184 B 2.60
WithInitialization 100 456 B 1.00
WithoutInitialization 1000 8424 B 2.08
WithInitialization 1000 4056 B 1.00
WithoutInitialization 10000 131400 B 3.28
WithInitialization 10000 40056 B 1.00
WithoutInitialization 100000 1049072 B 2.62
WithInitialization 100000 400098 B 1.00

Initialize an HashSet

Similar to what we’ve done with List’s, we can see significant improvements when initializing correctly other data types, such as HashSet’s.

Let’s run the same benchmarks, but this time, let’s initialize a HashSet<int> instead of a List<int>.

The code is pretty similar:

 public void WithoutInitialization()
     var set = new HashSet<int>();

     for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)

 [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
 public void WithInitialization()
     var set = new HashSet<int>(Size);

     for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)

What can we say about performance improvements?

If we talk about execution time, we can see an average of 2x improvements.

Method Size Mean Ratio
WithoutInitialization 100 1,122.2 ns 2.02
WithInitialization 100 558.4 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 1000 12,215.6 ns 2.74
WithInitialization 1000 4,478.4 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 10000 148,603.7 ns 1.90
WithInitialization 10000 78,293.3 ns 1.00
WithoutInitialization 100000 1,511,011.6 ns 1.96
WithInitialization 100000 810,657.8 ns 1.00

If we look at memory allocation, if we don’t initialize the HashSet, we are slowing down the application by a factor of 3x. Impressive!

Method Size Allocated Alloc Ratio
WithoutInitialization 100 5.86 KB 3.28
WithInitialization 100 1.79 KB 1.00
WithoutInitialization 1000 57.29 KB 3.30
WithInitialization 1000 17.35 KB 1.00
WithoutInitialization 10000 526.03 KB 3.33
WithInitialization 10000 157.99 KB 1.00
WithoutInitialization 100000 4717.4 KB 2.78
WithInitialization 100000 1697.64 KB 1.00

Wrapping up

Do you need other good reasons to initialize your collection capacity when possible? 😉

I used BenchmarkDotNet to create these benchmarks. If you want an introduction to this tool, you can have a look at how I used it to measure the performance of Enums:

🔗 Enum.HasFlag performance with BenchmarkDotNet | Code4IT

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Happy coding!
